Thursday, January 18, 2007

The Story of Tony

Tony was a 67-year-old male. He was diagnosed with colon cancer sometime in late December 1995. An operation was done to remove the cancer. Unfortunately the cancer had spread to the liver as well. In view of the extensive metastasis, Tony’s doctor concluded that chemotherapy or radiotherapy would be of limited benefit. His prognosis was extremely poor. The doctors then told Tony’s daughter: “Bring him home, organize a party for him and tell him that he had cancer. Let him live happily and count his days.”

At home Tony’s movements were very limited and difficult. He needed to be supported by the neck to lie down or wake up. He needed to be fed. One day, Tony’s daughter learned about CA Care from a member of her church’s cell group. She came to seek our help on 24 May 1996. At that time Tony presented with the following problems:

1. Burning sensation in the chest every night.

2. Had pains in the rib region when breathing.

3. Felt numbness of both legs and pains in the back.

4. Felt very tired and was not able to sleep at night.

5. Poor appetite.

6. Experienced frequent urination.

7. Bowel movements were difficult and stools hard.

After taking herbs for a week, Tony came to our centre. He looked much better than he was the previous week. We could see that the herbs had helped him tremendously. The chest burn, numbness and pains had all gone. His bowel movements and appetite had improved and he slept well.

By 19 July 1996, barely two months on the herbs, Tony’s weight increased by 11 kg. He was able to ride a motorcycle. On 23 August 1996, Tony was doing very well. He could sleep and eat. There were no more pains. Both his urination and bowel movements were normal. His doctor said this healing was a miracle!

After more than a year, 24 September 1997, Tony did a blood test. The alpha-fetoprotein was 2.5 ng/ml while the CEA was 5.0 ng/ml. This was a tremendous contrast to his May 1966 CEA reading which was 45.2 ng/ml. His liver function test showed readings within normal limits.

It was indeed satisfying to note that since taking the herbs, Tony was able to lead a normal happy life (note: he was entirely on herbs -- no chemotherapy or radiotherapy!). He was able to celebrate his youngest daughter’s marriage happily. It was our privilege too to be able to attend this wedding dinner!

This story is extracted from the author’s book: The Cancer Care Therapy.

For more information on natural healing for cancer:

For more stories about cancer healing in video go to:
CA Care Video.

For answers to cancer questions go to: Cancer-Answers